Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gettin' Back on The Horse!

Well, I had an unusual and unforeseen medical situation that has stopped this bullet train for the last 7 weeks.  What was supposed to be a 3-4 week situation has now turned into an eternity (that's how I feel as I lay horizontal on the couch day in day out).  What's even more discouraging is I was just kicking it into high gear and then ROAD BLOCK!  I've gotta be honest, some days are harder then others.  I never knew how much I'd miss the gym!  Because I work @ the gym a few days a week, it's even harder watching people 'go hard' preparing for summer!  I've had a few teary moments.  It really made me realize how my physically fit lifestyle is mandatory to my overall well being (almost more psychological than physical).  I've attempted to so some upper body and haven't lost much muscle tone there.  I do see that I've gotten a bit weaker as far as the weight I lift but hey... that's to be expected.  I can REALLY tell the difference in my lower body.  Because I am bottom heavy.. that's what seems to go first as it is the area I have to work the hardest to see results.  I don't even want to talk about what the back of my legs look like right now.  To be honest, I'm grateful that May has been a bit chilly!  That way I don't feel so bad or the pressure of breaking out the shorts lol.  My nutrition has been on and off but overall, I am down to 165 (down 4 lbs since my last post).  Considering I just 'lay like broccoli', I am grateful for that.  I'm crossing my fingers that the Dr. will give me a full release in within the next week!  I did a cardio session last week which was super duper challenging and I can't even explain how it made me feel!  I felt alive!  I am ready to get back and do what I love to do!  I miss having that special time to myself.  I miss my trainer and I miss my girls!  I've been praying for a full recovery and patience while my body heals!  This experience has been very humbling!

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