Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Somebody Throw Shamu Back In The Ocean!

Ok... please do not take offense to this!  Those of you who know me know that I have a sense of humor... God knows.. you have to!  So... After I launched this BIG watch me transform my physique campaign earlier in the year, I have had 2 surgeries... months and months of drains and infection and well, I'll just leave it at that.  So... Hi!  Here I am today at a whopping 170 and a fat back!  Now, the upside to all of this is that my face is nice and full and youthful!  Hey, I'll take what I can get!  The downside to this is that I am no longer Jessica Rabbit lol!  I mean, I still have the hair but dammit!  Where did my waist go?  My waist, hips, and a** are like a square!  Ummmmmmm - This is no bueno!  As I put on my high waisted skirt for an interview today I thought...  Self... 'This isn't how it's supposed to look!'  So.. because I've always taken great pride in 'keeping it real'... here goes -
I just had a bottle of champagne... Im going over my meal plan and will do a midnight grocery shopping.  Tomorrow, after a lot of praying tonight... I will be prepping my food and I will..... I said I will be in the gym for 2 a day cardio sessions and weight training... and well... I am going to remind myself minute by minute that I am 35... I am NOT genetically blessed... and I am going to have to work like a dog to get back into shape.... Ok.. there's my piece... I won't beat a dead horse... I'm going to pray now!

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