Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Somebody Throw Shamu Back In The Ocean!

Ok... please do not take offense to this!  Those of you who know me know that I have a sense of humor... God knows.. you have to!  So... After I launched this BIG watch me transform my physique campaign earlier in the year, I have had 2 surgeries... months and months of drains and infection and well, I'll just leave it at that.  So... Hi!  Here I am today at a whopping 170 and a fat back!  Now, the upside to all of this is that my face is nice and full and youthful!  Hey, I'll take what I can get!  The downside to this is that I am no longer Jessica Rabbit lol!  I mean, I still have the hair but dammit!  Where did my waist go?  My waist, hips, and a** are like a square!  Ummmmmmm - This is no bueno!  As I put on my high waisted skirt for an interview today I thought...  Self... 'This isn't how it's supposed to look!'  So.. because I've always taken great pride in 'keeping it real'... here goes -
I just had a bottle of champagne... Im going over my meal plan and will do a midnight grocery shopping.  Tomorrow, after a lot of praying tonight... I will be prepping my food and I will..... I said I will be in the gym for 2 a day cardio sessions and weight training... and well... I am going to remind myself minute by minute that I am 35... I am NOT genetically blessed... and I am going to have to work like a dog to get back into shape.... Ok.. there's my piece... I won't beat a dead horse... I'm going to pray now!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gettin' Back on The Horse!

Well, I had an unusual and unforeseen medical situation that has stopped this bullet train for the last 7 weeks.  What was supposed to be a 3-4 week situation has now turned into an eternity (that's how I feel as I lay horizontal on the couch day in day out).  What's even more discouraging is I was just kicking it into high gear and then ROAD BLOCK!  I've gotta be honest, some days are harder then others.  I never knew how much I'd miss the gym!  Because I work @ the gym a few days a week, it's even harder watching people 'go hard' preparing for summer!  I've had a few teary moments.  It really made me realize how my physically fit lifestyle is mandatory to my overall well being (almost more psychological than physical).  I've attempted to so some upper body and haven't lost much muscle tone there.  I do see that I've gotten a bit weaker as far as the weight I lift but hey... that's to be expected.  I can REALLY tell the difference in my lower body.  Because I am bottom heavy.. that's what seems to go first as it is the area I have to work the hardest to see results.  I don't even want to talk about what the back of my legs look like right now.  To be honest, I'm grateful that May has been a bit chilly!  That way I don't feel so bad or the pressure of breaking out the shorts lol.  My nutrition has been on and off but overall, I am down to 165 (down 4 lbs since my last post).  Considering I just 'lay like broccoli', I am grateful for that.  I'm crossing my fingers that the Dr. will give me a full release in within the next week!  I did a cardio session last week which was super duper challenging and I can't even explain how it made me feel!  I felt alive!  I am ready to get back and do what I love to do!  I miss having that special time to myself.  I miss my trainer and I miss my girls!  I've been praying for a full recovery and patience while my body heals!  This experience has been very humbling!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is Patience Really A Virtue?

Well, 3 1/2 weeks later and I'm still 169.  I'm working out in the gym like a beast!  My diet is about 85% dialed in.  I've had a few slips here and there.  I would only give myself a C average for cardio.  That being said, over the last week as I watch the scale just sit at 169... I start to think, well maybe if I just drink protein shakes for a week to jump start the downward motion... or maybe I should just do HCG to get that 20lbs off in 30 days!  Ughhhh!  I battle just like many of you!  Even though I know better!  After I get the reaffirmation from my trainer that there are no shortcuts and after I re-read highlighted chapters in my nutrition library... I sit back take a deep breath... shed a few tears and remind myself that this is hard!  Then comes the pep talk... "Amber, anything worth having is worth working hard for!"  That is why I feel the need to share the information that we already know but occasionally must be reminded of! The reason 95% of traditional diets fail is simple.  When you go on a low-calorie diet, your body thinks you are starving and actually becomes more efficient at storing fat by slowing down your metabolism.  When you stop the unrealistic eating plan, your metabolism is still slow and inefficient and you gain weight back even faster even though you may still be eating less.  In addition, you lose both muscle and fat in equal amounts but when you gain the weight back, it is all fat and no muscle causing your metabolism to slow down even more.  Take the frustration, guilt, and depravation out of weight management and allow yourself to adopt gradual, realistic changes into your life that will make healthy eating and physical activity a permanent pleasure.  You will soon discover what your body is capable of and begin to look, act, and feel your best!
So, with those words of wisdom, I am going to keep plugging away at what I know is proven to be tried and true!  I am going to do a body fat analysis in the next few weeks to substantiate the physical changes in muscle tone that I can see in my upper body.  I am right on track and have to gently remind myself to be patient!  I am simply refining my lifestyle choices and am looking forward to lifelong success!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Go After Your Dream!

Whew!  I just watched the finale of 'Your Own Show' and I am inspired!  Going after your dream... difficult, scary, unthinkable?  That's how I have viewed weight loss and fitness all my life!  It's something that does not come easy for me.  I have had many a  crying day in my car after a hard session where I felt disappointed in my performance.  It's hard!  The exercise is hard!  The nutrition is hard!  I swear, I am that person who can look at an order of wings and fries and my hips spread!  I honestly believe through experience that I have to work twice as hard to get results!  I've made excuses... I've given myself permission to fail and be less competitive.  Even recently!  Today I am making the decision out loud in front of you, NO MORE!  I weighed in at 169 (3lb loss to date) this morning.  I am getting ready to prep my food for the week.  I finished my CPR Certification today and will have my Personal Trainer Certification within the next two weeks!  I am putting the finishing touches on my Body By Amber website and promotional materials.  I am busy and motivated!  My two clients are doing so well!  They are both losing weight and their upper body strength is coming along nicely.  I feel blessed to share with them the secret to life that was shared with me in 2007!  A secret that not only changed my life but also saved my life!  In addition to all of the superficial perks fitness and nutrition provide, I haven't been able to share with you in depth what this lifestyle gives to you mentally and emotionally!  It's physiological and psychological  magic!  Whether it's stress, depression, anxiety, or anger, being in control is an incredible tool to overcome those mental ailments!  I notice that when I fall off my program, I turn into another person... one that I am not proud of.  Once I'm back in the gym, the cloud lifts, the anxiety disappears and I can be my authentic self!  I figure that if I show the good, the bad, and the ugly, you will be able to relate to and respect my journey.... OUR journey (I hope)!  The goal is to maintain control over the rest of the weekend and get more cardio in!  Good luck in pursuing your dream!  I'm going for mine!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Training? Can't I just do it myself? I can't afford it!

This is quite the topic for debate and boy have I been on both sides!  Having a personal trainer is definitely a luxury and can get pricey if your personal financial house isn't in order.  I happen to be a walking 'Suze Orman' who actually keeps my personal finances on Quick Books, so you will see that this post comes from that perspective.  I have had several trainers over the years and have paid anywhere from $35 to $125 per hour.  PS - I don't even make that much an hour so how is it possible to pay approximately $700 a month in training you ask? Well, in years past, when financial times were better for me, I was able to make that sacrifice and actually did for years!  I spent a great deal of time making it 'make sense' on the books - I reallocated eating out, entertainment, and misc spending toward training which was a main priority for me after mortgage, car note, and my son.  Training has been a necessary and justified expense for me since 2007! I have just put it in my budget...bottom line.  This goes back to the point I made in a previous blog about how being strong and in control transcends throughout all of your endeavors both personal and professional! The better I felt about myself, the more confidence I had.  The more confidence I had, the more I challenged myself professionally.  The more I challenged myself professionally, the more money I made... you get the picture!  I am fortunate that I have within the last year found affordable training that costs me approximately $366 a month.  It is group training... not one on one.  I was sceptical at first thinking that it wasn't going to have the same Bang!  Boy was I wrong!  There are a few trainers at LVAC who started this group strength/circuit training format a few years ago, which has allowed so many of us who couldn't afford one on one training the opportunity to reach our goals!   I have seen women go from an average mommy of two to figure competitor (Rock Star!) on stage at Regional and National Competitions while group training 3 times a week, following a great diet, and doing regular cardio sessions!  I train alongside these incredible women and am continuously inspired by them!  Whoever thought of this group fitness format was genius in that it opened up the door for many of us regular 'working folk' to partake in a luxury sport that was once reserved for the rich and celebrity types.  You too can be FABULOUS on a budget!  Here is the story many of us have - You find a way to fit it in the budget, you commit for 90-120 days, you get great results, you go on that annual trip and sashe' around workin' it while everyone falls all over you.. then you say, "I can do this on my own... I  know what I'm doing now."  Well, yes and no would be my response.  Even great trainers have trainers!  It is a job!  It is an art!  Great trainers really put a great deal of thought into the programs they present to their clients.  They are constantly studying and constantly evolving.  They are just like any other educator... they have to prepare and stay competitive!  I have a whole new respect for group fitness trainers who teach Body Pump and Body Combat.  I went through the training for Body Pump recently and I had NO idea how much it entailed!  It is constant and ongoing!  Not only from a learning and choreography standpoint, but also a financial one as well!  If you are fortunate enough to have a good trainer who not only cares but is also knowledgeable and strives to meet your personal goals... Congratulations!  You are hearing from me, first hand as a new trainer, that it is not easy!  For those of you who are teachers, professors, and dance instructors, you can so relate to what I'm talking about!  Please know that Great Trainers really do put in a lot of work for their clients before they even step into the Gym!  I have been very fortunate to have trained with some of the greats!  On my personal quest for greatness, I even train with renowned trainers around the country when I visit different states to expand my personal knowledge and experience.  I want to leave no stone unturned!  I want to train with the best so I can be the best!  I pray that the info I present in this blog resonates and inspires you to be great too!  Until next time xoxo ... Fitness Barbie (lol) =)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Food Morning!

'Food Morning' is what I texted a friend of mine Sunday morning!  Hmmm, wonder what I was thinking about!  Honestly... when I start to eat clean and detox, I dream about pancakes and apple fritters all night.  I wake up mouth watering and anxious realizing that water, egg whites, and oatmeal is my reality.  I can't believe with a slip of the finger I wrote Food Morning instead of Good Morning!  Goes to show you what thoughts are consuming my life!  I'm sure thoughts of food consume most of your lives too!  The subtle images on television, the constant advertising as we commute around town, the social invites we are extended... Whether it's the kids, family, or friends, our lives are so busy that the only time we make for one another is when we are eating.  Interesting concept!  Down 2.5 pounds from last week and I am feeling great!  I already know that my path is not one of quick weight loss!  Though it's only 2.5 pounds on the scale, I feel strong and in control!  I immersed myself in fitness publications this weekend!  I highly recommend subscribing to Oxygen, Fitness RX, and Muscle & Fitness Hers.  I thrive off the incredible images and informative articles!  Just another positive reinforcement that will help me reach my ultimate goal!  I was back in the Gym today with Lisa Maloy and her 'Elite Fitness Barbies' for leg day!  I <3 Leg Day!  Getting back in shape, becoming a Certified Personal Trainer, in addition to training new clients has brought me more personal joy than I've experienced in a very long time!  I pray that I can inspire those who have thought about challenging themselves to greatness but were too scared to make the commitment!  Tomorrow is a new day to make smart choices!  Wishing you continued success on your quest to greatness!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Happy Hour"... To Do or Not To Do....

After a long week of work and focus everyone deserves to release and relax with friends at Happy Hour right?  All the temptation.. the tantalizing appetizers and the inexpensive yummy adult beverages dancing around the seductively lit room filled with smiles and fun conversation (sigh)... what's a girl to do?  The main idea is NOT to panic.  At least that's what I kept telling myself.  I am a wine, sangria, and mojito connoisseur.  I guess I don't have to tell you that these drinks are not exactly part of the program to lean out.  It's only day 4 and I'm still in the midst of my sugar withdrawals... not a good look.  As I reflect on last night I realize that I wasn't as lively as I usually am.  It was difficult to sit at a table for 2 hours next to loaded potatoes and kettle chips.  The dish I ordered.. I picked out the chicken, snuck 4 penne pastas, and gave the remainder of the unfinished dish to the waitress.  Though I was in the company of some great women, I have to be honest, the kettle chips and salt on the margarita was all that was on my mind.  This is where the tip of the day... well, tip of the decade comes in!  Eating clean and staying in shape is not a temporary commitment, it's a life change.  Sure, there are special occasions when you can indulge mildly knowing that the next day you may be bloated at the very least.  I do not believe that Happy Hour qualifies as a special occasion.  If you've decided to embrace this lifestyle, I suggest you come to Happy Hour satisfied and not hungry, drink lots of water, and a little trick I learned is to order a Pellegrino or Perrier with a lime to take the edge off.  As you begin to make changes in your life, you will come to the realization that many of your family and friend's social lives revolve around eating.  This will be very hard to change, however, if you consider that meals can get expensive, reallocate that money into an activity that is calorie-less.  Yesterday morning I was ravenous as lunch began to approach.  Instead of 'treating' myself to a Gyro (I tried to lie to myself and said I would ONLY eat 5 oz of lamb), I shimmied by my hairdresser instead and got a shampoo and blow dry.  In just a short one hour lunch break, I left the salon feeling like a million bucks as opposed to feeling full, defeated, and disappointed.  No one said it was easy!  If it were.. everyone would be doing it!  People who eat clean and take pride in their fitness are the Top 2% of the population!  In addition I would argue that these types of people are also very successful in their other life endeavors as well!  Taking control of your life to feel and look great is powerful and inspiring!  It's the weekend - No excuses!  Prep your meals for the week, get out and go on a bike ride, take a hike, jump on the trampoline with the kids, go rollerblading, do something you've never done before!  Love yourself!  Love life! Work to be your personal best!  I'm down two pounds and I'm feeling great!  I hope you're actively working your plan toward success!  Stay positive, stay motivated, and dare to challenge yourself like never before!
xoxo Amber Keener aka 'Fitness Barbie' (insider)