Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Happy Hour"... To Do or Not To Do....

After a long week of work and focus everyone deserves to release and relax with friends at Happy Hour right?  All the temptation.. the tantalizing appetizers and the inexpensive yummy adult beverages dancing around the seductively lit room filled with smiles and fun conversation (sigh)... what's a girl to do?  The main idea is NOT to panic.  At least that's what I kept telling myself.  I am a wine, sangria, and mojito connoisseur.  I guess I don't have to tell you that these drinks are not exactly part of the program to lean out.  It's only day 4 and I'm still in the midst of my sugar withdrawals... not a good look.  As I reflect on last night I realize that I wasn't as lively as I usually am.  It was difficult to sit at a table for 2 hours next to loaded potatoes and kettle chips.  The dish I ordered.. I picked out the chicken, snuck 4 penne pastas, and gave the remainder of the unfinished dish to the waitress.  Though I was in the company of some great women, I have to be honest, the kettle chips and salt on the margarita was all that was on my mind.  This is where the tip of the day... well, tip of the decade comes in!  Eating clean and staying in shape is not a temporary commitment, it's a life change.  Sure, there are special occasions when you can indulge mildly knowing that the next day you may be bloated at the very least.  I do not believe that Happy Hour qualifies as a special occasion.  If you've decided to embrace this lifestyle, I suggest you come to Happy Hour satisfied and not hungry, drink lots of water, and a little trick I learned is to order a Pellegrino or Perrier with a lime to take the edge off.  As you begin to make changes in your life, you will come to the realization that many of your family and friend's social lives revolve around eating.  This will be very hard to change, however, if you consider that meals can get expensive, reallocate that money into an activity that is calorie-less.  Yesterday morning I was ravenous as lunch began to approach.  Instead of 'treating' myself to a Gyro (I tried to lie to myself and said I would ONLY eat 5 oz of lamb), I shimmied by my hairdresser instead and got a shampoo and blow dry.  In just a short one hour lunch break, I left the salon feeling like a million bucks as opposed to feeling full, defeated, and disappointed.  No one said it was easy!  If it were.. everyone would be doing it!  People who eat clean and take pride in their fitness are the Top 2% of the population!  In addition I would argue that these types of people are also very successful in their other life endeavors as well!  Taking control of your life to feel and look great is powerful and inspiring!  It's the weekend - No excuses!  Prep your meals for the week, get out and go on a bike ride, take a hike, jump on the trampoline with the kids, go rollerblading, do something you've never done before!  Love yourself!  Love life! Work to be your personal best!  I'm down two pounds and I'm feeling great!  I hope you're actively working your plan toward success!  Stay positive, stay motivated, and dare to challenge yourself like never before!
xoxo Amber Keener aka 'Fitness Barbie' (insider)


  1. Thank you for keeping this blog Amber! I now find myself looking forward to reading and getting my little bit of inspiration to do better each day. Try as I may, I have not been able to get myself back on track from the holidays. You do not realize what a help this is for me...THANKS!!! :)

  2. I am so glad that my experiences resonate with you! It is so very hard and I applaud you in your continued effort. Hey... we have to be here for each other! If I didn't have my girls @ the gym who are like minded... I would be over 200 pounds, ordering chicken fingers and pizza for lunch and miserable! I don't know about you but I'm prepping myself for the call from Housewives of Las Vegas lol. I have to be ready :)
    Let me know if you have any questions! I've been trained by the absolute best and would love to share if you so desire! Baby steps Tommie! Don't be too hard on yourself.. it's a process. BUT... do make every attempt to do your best and hold yourself accountable! I'm excited for you!

  3. Thank you! Baby steps indeed. I definitely received my wake up call when my hubby bought me a pair of Burberry rain boots, and I could not get them up over my calf! (So depressing, yet motivating at the same time!) Like you, my weight has been a life long struggle. Not many know this, but I was almost 150 pounds in 6th grade. I've been dieting my entire life, and I'm sick of dieting. Having said that, there is so much to be excited and thankful for. Not just in my own quest for fitness and health without "dieting", but for you as well in your new endeavor as a trainer! If I was still in Vegas I'd definitely have you train me! Thanks for being here!
