Monday, February 21, 2011

Food Morning!

'Food Morning' is what I texted a friend of mine Sunday morning!  Hmmm, wonder what I was thinking about!  Honestly... when I start to eat clean and detox, I dream about pancakes and apple fritters all night.  I wake up mouth watering and anxious realizing that water, egg whites, and oatmeal is my reality.  I can't believe with a slip of the finger I wrote Food Morning instead of Good Morning!  Goes to show you what thoughts are consuming my life!  I'm sure thoughts of food consume most of your lives too!  The subtle images on television, the constant advertising as we commute around town, the social invites we are extended... Whether it's the kids, family, or friends, our lives are so busy that the only time we make for one another is when we are eating.  Interesting concept!  Down 2.5 pounds from last week and I am feeling great!  I already know that my path is not one of quick weight loss!  Though it's only 2.5 pounds on the scale, I feel strong and in control!  I immersed myself in fitness publications this weekend!  I highly recommend subscribing to Oxygen, Fitness RX, and Muscle & Fitness Hers.  I thrive off the incredible images and informative articles!  Just another positive reinforcement that will help me reach my ultimate goal!  I was back in the Gym today with Lisa Maloy and her 'Elite Fitness Barbies' for leg day!  I <3 Leg Day!  Getting back in shape, becoming a Certified Personal Trainer, in addition to training new clients has brought me more personal joy than I've experienced in a very long time!  I pray that I can inspire those who have thought about challenging themselves to greatness but were too scared to make the commitment!  Tomorrow is a new day to make smart choices!  Wishing you continued success on your quest to greatness!

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