Saturday, February 26, 2011

Go After Your Dream!

Whew!  I just watched the finale of 'Your Own Show' and I am inspired!  Going after your dream... difficult, scary, unthinkable?  That's how I have viewed weight loss and fitness all my life!  It's something that does not come easy for me.  I have had many a  crying day in my car after a hard session where I felt disappointed in my performance.  It's hard!  The exercise is hard!  The nutrition is hard!  I swear, I am that person who can look at an order of wings and fries and my hips spread!  I honestly believe through experience that I have to work twice as hard to get results!  I've made excuses... I've given myself permission to fail and be less competitive.  Even recently!  Today I am making the decision out loud in front of you, NO MORE!  I weighed in at 169 (3lb loss to date) this morning.  I am getting ready to prep my food for the week.  I finished my CPR Certification today and will have my Personal Trainer Certification within the next two weeks!  I am putting the finishing touches on my Body By Amber website and promotional materials.  I am busy and motivated!  My two clients are doing so well!  They are both losing weight and their upper body strength is coming along nicely.  I feel blessed to share with them the secret to life that was shared with me in 2007!  A secret that not only changed my life but also saved my life!  In addition to all of the superficial perks fitness and nutrition provide, I haven't been able to share with you in depth what this lifestyle gives to you mentally and emotionally!  It's physiological and psychological  magic!  Whether it's stress, depression, anxiety, or anger, being in control is an incredible tool to overcome those mental ailments!  I notice that when I fall off my program, I turn into another person... one that I am not proud of.  Once I'm back in the gym, the cloud lifts, the anxiety disappears and I can be my authentic self!  I figure that if I show the good, the bad, and the ugly, you will be able to relate to and respect my journey.... OUR journey (I hope)!  The goal is to maintain control over the rest of the weekend and get more cardio in!  Good luck in pursuing your dream!  I'm going for mine!

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