Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not My First 'Rodeo'

Well, day one of total focus!  As my family is eating KFC, I  am savoring every bite of my Mrs. Dash seasoned lean chicken breast.  I don't struggle in the morning or early afternoon with my nutrition.  It's late afternoon that gets me.  The cravings are horrible!  It was touch and go today...  I had to convince myself that driving through Starbucks for a Skinny Vanilla Latte was no way to start my mission!  For those of you who have never transformed the composition of your body, there is really a great deal to learn.  We're not talking about starving or dieting.  The goal is not to be skinny fat!  That just doesn't work for most women and definitely NOT for women 35+!  Let's face it - gravity happens!  The good news is... it doesn't have to happen to you!  I am living proof that a determined individual can change a 230lb/40%body fat physique into a 152lb/17% body fat lean machine with the right tools!  I present to you the pictures of a portion of that transformation in 2007/2008.  Before Pic -164 lbs/24% body fat.  After Pic - 152 lbs/17% body fat.

Though I didn't get to my cardio today, I did work with my trainer (Back/Shoulders).  It felt amazing!  It's almost 8pm and I've been on point with my eating all day!  I just have to get a little more water in and I will be satisfied that I met my goal.  One day at a time!  It usually takes me about 4 days before my stomach stops growling and the cravings subside.  I just have to remind myself of that when I turn into Grouchy/Ravenous Barbie lol.  The discomfort is only temporary.  It's more mental than physical to be honest.  Don't misunderstand me - Lisa Maloy takes great pleasure in kicking my butt! ... And for that, I must ensure that I have eaten properly and prepare myself mentally to get through her work out!  I'll be back in the gym tomorrow at 8am!  I hope you all had an Amazing day and that you are one step closer to being your personal best! xoxo

  October 2007

May 2001  February 2008

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