Friday, February 18, 2011

The Scale Doesn't Tell The Whole Story!

I pray that my last few posts have been enlightening to those of you that haven't embraced the wonderful world of strength training.  The misnomer that lifting weights will 'bulk' you up is simply not true!  If anything, it will make your entire body composition smaller as muscle takes up less space then fat.  Those of you who know me are aware that I am a 'numbers' girl!  I am very analytical and love presenting facts so here goes!  At the end of last year when I began a 12 week program with my trainer, Lisa Maloy, my weight, tape and caliper measurements were as follows:
Weight 164 lbs                     
Arms 12 1/4
Chest 38 3/4
Waist 30
Hips 42 3/4
Thigh 24 1/2
Calf 15 1/2
Chest 12
Abs 22.5
Supra 19
Sub 14.3
Thigh 33.3
Tricep 12
Mid 10.7 Body Fat % 24

Weight 163
Arms 12
Chest 37 1/4
Waist 29
Hips 40 3/4
Thigh 24 1/4
Calf 15 1/2
Chest 8.5
Abs 16.2
Supra 17.9
Sub 13.9
Thigh 28.2
Tricep 11.5
Mid  6.2Body Fat % 21.3

As you can see, with only 1 pound lost on the scale, I still managed to drop almost 3% in Body Fat and several inches in my waist, hips, and thighs (Hello!)  PS - Though I was dedicated in the gym... my nutrition was NOT on point!I highly recommend everyone experiencing a body fat analysis!  I've also done the underwater analysis twice in the past to get an even more accurate reading!  Moral of the story, don't let the number on the scale define you!  Set other goals....One of mine is to have a 27" inch waist!  I'm extra fabulous when my waist is that tiny lol.  Being your personal best is all about feeling good!  Whether it's after a workout when your muscles are warm and you feel ALIVE... when you put on that little dress and know you look amazing... or when you need to escape and do something just for you - to release and reset mentally!  Whatever the case... make you a priority!  Today is an 'off' day for me from the gym!  I had a very difficult Cardio Circuit workout yesterday morning with Lisa that left me feeling powerful and accomplished!  Hope you all are moving towards a more fit and productive lifestyle!  It's the first step of taking total control of your life!  Take one step at a time in becoming your personal best!  You'll be glad you did!

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