Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shedding The "Winter Coat"

I am excited to embark on a very difficult and personal journey as I lean out for the summer.  My profile picture featured in this blog was taken August 2010 before an end of year Pool Party Extravaganza when I was a svelte 158lbs.  I have found the courage and the strength to display my current photos February 2011 at a not so svelte 172 lbs. Though over the past 7 months I've continued to work out a minimum of 3 times a week, my nutrition has been completely off!  I swing from one end of the spectrum to the other with the excuse of work, stress, and emotional eating.  Between the leggings (no waist line accountability) and Holiday after Holiday, I was able to put on 15 pounds without blinking an eye... something that I am not exactly proud of.  My weight gain represents ME being 'out of balance'.  On Christmas Day 2010 I was inspired to live a dream that I have been too afraid to pursue in the past and decided become a personal trainer.  Thanks to two amazing role models, Lisa Maloy and Sandy Scamman, I feel prepared to take on new fitness and nutrition endeavors!  When it comes to embracing and becoming knowledgeable in the areas of health and fitness... there is nothing to lose (except inches and body fat) and everything to gain (confidence and strength just to name a few)!  Here goes!  I present to you me... Amber Keener... a mother, business mogul, former obese adolescent and presently a 35 year old determined and motivated woman weighing in @ 172 pounds today!  Feel free to join me on my journey!  I encourage you to be your personal best as well!  Stay tuned!  Change happens fast when you're 'on track'!

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